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Jerry Lazarus, M.A.
Jesus The Pattern And The Promises: Attaining Our Spiritual Statue

Saturday, April 5, 2025
8:30am Door Opens for Check-In & Registration
9am - 4pm CDT
Unity of Nashville  -  Fellowship Hall
5125 Franklin Pike
Nashville, TN  37220


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​Jesus The Pattern And The Promises: Attaining Our Spiritual Stature


The purpose of our life is to attain our spiritual stature—to grow and claim the promise “Ye are gods.” Jesus created and demonstrated 'the way' and called us to “come, follow Me.” To achieve the stature, we need to know Jesus’s teachings and how He lived them. Hence, Jesus’s life, works, and resurrection reveal the pattern for the unfoldment of our Christ mind.

In this one-day workshop Jerry will explain the significance of Easter as the culminating point of the pattern. Drawing from the Bible and the Edgar Cayce readings, Jerry will share the myriad spiritual attributes of Jesus that we can emulate. 


This workshop will cover:

  • The framework that explains why Jesus is the pattern.

  • The purpose of creation of souls and our awesome destiny.

  • The nature of our spiritual stature and the criteria for attaining it.

  • God’s promises and the importance of claiming them.

  • Over 20 patterns exemplified in Jesus that we can apply immediately.

  • The transformative power of the Word and God’s promises.

  • Easter as the crowning achievement of the soul in the triumph of life.


Jerry Lazarus is a spiritual teacher with a master's degree in religion and meditation. He has studied the principal texts of the five major religions. Jerry is the author of two books: Dreams: Listening to the Voice of God, and St. John Bosco — Dreams: The Guiding Voice, a project commissioned by the Don Bosco Congregation (Salesians) of the Catholic Church.

Jerry was a close friend and associate of the late Harmon Bro, PhD (1919-1997) who knew and studied Edgar Cayce. He has studied with the yogis in India, and is an initiate of the Himalayan Yoga Tradition.

​For 14 years, Jerry has been a contributing writer and a dream columnist for Venture Inward magazine. He has authored over 50 articles on a wide range of spiritual topics. In the past, he has taught a course on 'The Wisdom of Dreams’ at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University. Jerry has given talks and workshops at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E), the Rhine Research Center, the Center for Spiritual Living, Unity Churches, and other venues. He has spoken at conferences, led groups and retreats around the nation since the mid 90s.He has spoken at conferences, led groups and retreats around the nation since the mid 90s. Since 2020, Jerry offers webinars and group discussions on Zoom.

For more information about Jerry Lazarus visit: 




Online ticket purchase opportunity will be available soon . . .

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